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Real Life Lessons

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Today I was sitting at my local Starbucks having cup of coffee and just enjoying my am walk as well, you see I live a few miles away so I figure why not kill two birds with one stone! Speaking of birds…(LOL)

As I was sitting there enjoying my coffee and checking in on facebook (I am addicted too) I was just relaxed and just did my usual  people watching and just tuned into my thoughts as I sat there. I like to watch people some are friendly and some are not so friendly.

I guess people are entitled to act however they like for it is not up to me to judge them but it is just for me to enjoy having them all in this world with me!

Well anyways I had just finished my great cup of coffee when all of a sudden I caught a glimpse of this fast-moving object coming my way and I had to lean over to keep from getting hit when all of a sudden I heard this object splatter against the window behind me and I realized it was a BIRD!

After if smacked the window it bounced off knocking over my cup proceeding to land on the side-walk and some how stumble into the parking lot where it proceeded to get it bearings and sat there as if it was thinking to itself “Whoa what the hell was that and did anybody else see me do that” ! LOL

I sat there and as I was watching it some other people had seen what happened and it caught them by surprise as well. Then it flew up into the tree and that is when it occurred to me that sometimes in life we need to slow down and watch where we are going.

Also there will be times like this that we just run right smack dead into a dead-end or life will hit us hard as a rock and knock us down and that is when we need to just take a moment and get our thoughts together and regroup!

Don’t worry about what others may see or think for we are all human and we run into situations we can’t see or predict no matter how safe we are.

Then as soon as you get knocked down get right back up and act as if nothing ever happened for the reality of it is, so what you ran into a wall which was that (Window for bird) and  if it didn’t kill you then you are good to go!

Proceed on ward for I am sure it will happen again!




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